
How to start a content creation journey (practical tips)

Becoming a content creator is everyone’s choice because you get fame, wealth, love, and respect from the community but why do most people fail?

First, let’s understand the definition of a creator. A creator is someone who makes and shares content to help people and solve their problems. This is crucial because I’ve noticed that many people create content just to please algorithms, often lacking real value.

It’s essential to provide value. Even in niches like entertainment, ensuring your audience is entertained is key. Become obsessed with your audience and the people you want to reach. Your audience is vital; they fuel your growth. If you’re in business, you know how important customers are, and you make adjustments based on their needs.

One significant mistake creators often make is not choosing one platform to scale. I suggest selecting one platform to create content and then share it. Trying to be perfect on every platform can lead to missed opportunities. After a while, people give up because they can’t find the audience they want and get stuck.

Starting can be challenging, so I recommend posting 4–5 times a day if you’re on platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Twitter. Posting more frequently will provide you with analytics, allowing you to see what goes viral.

People often ask me how to grow on platforms like Instagram and Medium. My advice is to start by publishing different content daily. After a month, you’ll have data to analyze which content works best and goes viral.

Another common mistake is trying to be perfect from the beginning. I’m not saying you shouldn’t aim for quality, but it’s okay to create posts without obsessing over perfection. Over time, you’ll improve. Perfection from the start is unrealistic. Create content and publish it quickly.

Creating content is vital, and I emphasize this because many resources discuss how to create content and grow.

Here’s a task for you: Open your note-taking app and start creating a template for your content plan. Plan 30 days of content for Medium, Pinterest, YouTube, or other platforms. By doing this, you can stay focused and avoid searching for new content daily. You can plan your entire month’s content in one day.

Finding content ideas is simple. Reflect on the problems you face in your work. For example, I often struggle with LinkedIn content, so I can write about LinkedIn, such as “How to Consistently Post on LinkedIn,” “How to Grow on LinkedIn,” or “My 30-Day LinkedIn Posting Challenge.” Your problems are similar to others, and addressing them can generate more ideas. Another method is to think about the last videos you watched in your niche. Identify the most engaging and interesting topics, then create content with a twist.

Stealing ideas isn’t wrong, but don’t copy word for word. Add more value than other videos. If you want to grow online, I recommend two books I love: “Steal Like an Artist” and “Show Your Work.” They can transform your career.

Thanks for reading. If you found value in this article, don’t forget to follow and clap. If you’re struggling to start your side hustle, you can read my other articles for help.

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