
In this article, I will show you how to make a passive income by uploading PDFs.
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

I am not saying you can make thousands of dollars or become a millionaire, but you can make a good amount of money by uploading a PDF online.

One website gives you the opportunity, and people are doing it and making money. I will show you some techniques and methods.

The website name is FILEUPLOAD, and using this website, you can make money from uploading files and affiliate sales.


This website provides a cloud storage service for files and other uploads. They offer a pay-per-download offer, and in this case, files are yours, so you don’t need to worry about value because you are providing value.

You can use this to make a good amount of money; all you have to do is upload a file, share it with your audience, and make money. I also give you free methods to make an audience.

The file upload program is the most straightforward program that can pay you $7 per 1000 downloads, depending on the download location.

A website can count all countries around the world. You can see in the table below how much they give per download.

You can also sell your files using the Fileupload platform. They charge 20% on every sale you make.

So, let’s discuss how to create valuable pdf’s

Now, for creating PDFs, you can use multiple tools like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, canvas, and more tools like this. I suggest you use Canva because it has more features and looks beautiful. If you need to become more familiar with Canva, they use Google Docs because it is easy.

The question is what you can give them in pdf. You can give them premium value on this complimentary document, like free course and information.

You can find many free courses on YouTube or Coursera and platforms like this. You can give roadmaps for building any skill, like a roadmap and resources for becoming a video editor, programmer, copywriter, and more.

Research and create a document around this, and after that, you can add all your articles, written content, YouTube video links, amazon book links ( add your affiliate links), free courses, premium courses( your affiliate link), and more.

This can help most people grow in their careers and go step by step.

You can also write documents about any strategy that you use to make money; you can document it and give it to your audience.

Make multiple documents and share them with your audience.

How to send traffic

Now, you can make all these things, but you don’t know how you can drive traffic to your document and get downloads, so there are multiple methods I can show you.

The first method is Facebook groups –

You can find multiple Facebook groups that are related to your document and join them one by one. Now, in this document, you are not selling anything. You are just giving free value to people, so more people want your paper. Now, you need to post on Facebook groups and tell them about your document, take a screenshot, and post it on every Facebook group.

This is also applicable to Reddit and WhatsApp groups. In these groups, you can find thousands of people who can download this document. People are searching for this type of document.

The second method is to create reels –

Creating short-form content is really helpful because sometimes you can go viral and get millions of views, and that can make you thousands of dollars. In this case, you can tell about your free document in reel or short, and this type of content you can post on multiple platforms. You can post this on Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and TikTok.

Sometimes, your video cannot get more engagement on Instagram, but for a similar video, you can get thousands of views on YouTube or vice versa.

There are more ways to get traffic, but you need to make more effort for those, so these two methods, which are not that hard.

You can withdraw your money using PayPal, Payoneer, or so many ways to start, and it is just a $1 minimum withdrawal.

So this is the way you can make money from documents. I will explain all of the concepts in detail. If anything needs to be added or you have any questions, you can ask me in the response section. I will try to answer all your questions.

Thanks for reading…

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